Dari pagi dok...Achooo..Achooo.Mlm dah tak larat..Bila kena selsema tentu teruk teramat..bak kata hubby " Macam orang sakit teruk benor "..hehehehee. Selalunya 2 hari je sakitnye..Pastu elok dah. Tisu habis dah setengah kotak..mana dok guna.
Around 8.10 p.m ... mama suruh ayah beli pil selsema untuk breastfeeding mum..pasal Mukhriz dok menyusu..segala ubat kena minta nasihat doktor mana yang sesuai untuk breastfeeding mum...Mukhriz pun selsema gak..tapi dia "COOL" je..mama je tak tahan benor kalau selsema ni.
Harap-harap sok ok le selsema ni.
Aunty iena..Lama tak nampak..macam mana? Confirm ke Suspect Denggi ni? Get Well Soon ya..
Think Good Thoughts
Being sick has a mental part,
So use your head to cure you.
Thinking good thoughts is the way to start,
And smiling works, I assure you.
Keep up your spirits to cheer yourself;
Don’t let the gloomies win.
A happy soul will get well fast,
And right now is the time to begin.
By Karl Fuchs
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