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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pediasure Complete

Disebabkan Marsya susah sangat nak makan & tak suka susu Formula yang sebelum ini, jadi mama suggest dengan ayah ..moh try Pediasure..xkisah le tak cukup umur lagi..belasah je..hehehe. nasib baik le dia berminat nak minum Pediasure coklat ni..itupun cuma mama je leh bg..org lain bagi confirm dia tolak..uuhuhuh anak..anak. Nasib baik le time check up..naik 400gm, syukur sgt..kalau tidak asyik kena leter le gamaknya mama ni.

Marsya ni cukup berbeza dengan Mukhriz zaman kecil. Marsya xsuka makan yang lembik-lembik. Suka biskut baby, nasi, telur, sup ayam, roti & segala makanan yang kita makan dia nak..uhuhuh, Zaman Mukhriz..apa yang kita makan dia tengok je..susu+nestum favourite Mukhriz..sampai besar ni pun susu tetap dihati.hehehe

Marsya la ni dah pandai tepuk tangan ... bila mama nyanyi "tepuk amai-amai"..pandai ajuk Mukhriz nangis, kelip-kelip mata, sebut mama...abah.. (hehhe bedal je la ..abg panggil ayah..dia sebut abah). Cukup suka tengok Disney Channel~>>Pocoyo, Mickey * Friends etc,Macam-Macam Aznil, Akademi Fantasia.

PediaSure Complete is an improved formula of PediaSure. PediaSure Complete contains a combination of prebiotic (Frutooligosaccharides (FOS), a non-digestible complex carbohydrate) and probiotics that have been shown to help maintain gut health and optimal gastrointestinal (GI) function and to strengthen the body’s natural defenses.

The nutrient composition of PediaSure Complete reflects the newly developed DRIs (Dietary Reference Intakes).

A nutritionally complete and balanced formula that is clinically proven to promote catch-up growth. It is ideal for children who

1. Are picky eaters and selective in foods
2. Need extra nutrition for catch up growth
3. Have increased caloric and nutrient requirements
4. Have poor weight and height gain
5. Are under nourished or have decreased food intake due to illness or diminished appetite
6. Are lactose intolerant
7. In pre-post recovery

PediaSure Complete is specially formulated for children 1 to 10 years of age. All vitamins and key mineral concentrations in PediaSure Complete meet or exceed 100% of the 2001 Dietary Reference Intakes (RDIs) or 1989 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for children 1 to 10 years of age.

It meets or exceeds 100% of the NAS-NRC RDAs (National Academy of Science and the National Research Council) for protein, vitamins and minerals for children 1 to 6 years of age in 1000 ml, and for children 7 to 10 years of age in 1300 ml.

PediaSure Complete may be used as a nutritional supplement with or between meals, or as an ingredient in recipes to help add calories to your child's favorite meals and snacks. PediaSure Complete may also be a sole source of nutrition as directed and supervised by a doctor. Talk to your child's doctor about how PediaSure Complete may help meet your child's nutritional needs.


Milk-based, complete and balanced nutrition from a balanced caloric distribution of protein, fat and carbohydrate (12% protein; 44% fat; 44% carbohydrate) to meet a growing child's nutritional needs and for easy transition from children to adult nutrition.

Added Synbiotic (a combination of Probiotics and Prebiotics) nutrients to promote gut health and optimal GI function which results in better digestion and better absorption with the end benefits of strengthening a child’s natural defenses.

Probiotics are live bacteria that support the growth of health-promoting bacteria and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacterial.

FOS is a non-digestible complex carbohydrate that is the preferred food of probiotics.

High Quality Protein to promote growth and development, tissue repair and synthesis.

Well-absorbed fat blend containing high source of oleic sunflower oil, soy oil and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Sunflower and soy oils are beneficial to children because they provide both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, are rich in the essential fatty acids linoleic acid and linolenic acid (which are required for the natural synthesis of DHA and AA for brain development) and contain no cholesterol.

MCTs comprised 20% of the fat blend and provide the benefit of fat that is more readily absorbed and easily digested to produce energy and improve vitamin and mineral absorption.

Caloric density of 1 kcal per ml (50% more than normal growing up milk) to meet the increased energy needs.

Calcium : phosphorus ratio of 1.6 : 1 that is conformed to AAPCON (American Academy of Pediatric, Committee on Nutrition) recommendations* for growing children to support optimal bone development.

Fortified with carnitine and taurine. Carnitine is important for fatty metabolism. Taurine plays a key role in bodily function. It facilitates retinal function and normal bile acid metabolism and may support normal brain development.

Contain Zinc at 100% of recommended level to help stimulate the appetite. Zinc has been shown to be important for both growth and brain development.

For oral or tube feeding.

Gluten-free and lactose-free. (Not for children with galactosemia.)

"Kid Approved" flavors in vanilla and chocolate.

*AAPCON recommends a ratio of no less than 1.1 : 1 for formulas designed for infants and young children.


Unknown said...

aku pun sekarang kurang la nak makan, perut asyik meragam. nak suruh mak aku belikan pediasure la.... heheheh....

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